- General
- Icons and Fonts are resizable.
- Look&Feel can be modified.
- Translation in French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Serbian available.
- Translation in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi under development.
- Can be used as a Portable App.
- Native Mac OS X integration.
- Connexion setup and Metadata explorer
- READ ONLY connections.
- Background color par datasource.
- Various datasources with connection string example.
- Metadata explorer.
- Search in metadata of tables,columns,schemas etc.
- Query Builder
- Create joins with drag and drop, foreign keys or with csv definition.
- Supports all types of join: inner, rigth-left-full outer, natural.
- Supports group by, order by, subqueries, union ...
- Pack (hide) or unpack unused columns from a table.
- Save query as image or .sql.
- Reverse SQL syntax to graph.
- Arrange Entities in Graph. (Grid or Spring layouts).
- Filter icon in graph for predicates.
- Display (joins) graph even when not connected.
- Format SQL text
- Save table position and pack attribute as a comment in SQL
- SQL Pivot function (Database independent equivalent for transform pivot)
- SQL group_concat function (Database independent equivalent for listagg, list ,string_agg)
- Content/Preview
- Grid display with data filtering, sorting
- Filters populated with values
- Jump to parent or child table data
- Insert, update, delete data in grid
- Export (html, insert, text or csv), import data
- Export in PivotTable.js html
- Cancel long running queries
- Command Editor
- Command editor displays SELECT results in datagrid (not text)
- DML command generator (Delete/Insert/Update).
- Auto-savepoint to avoid PostgreSQL ERROR: current transaction is aborted.
- Auto-complete SQL text.
- Auto-generate JOIN syntax.
- PL/SQL supported.
- Format SQL text (ctrl-f7)
- Transform complex UPDATE into SELECT (for testing)
- Choose DATASOURCE or OUTPUT format from script
- Cancel long running queries
- SQL history
- Save executed commands in a file.
- Display and retrieve SQL in History in a dedicated Window.
- Data Comparer (Based on Pivot table)
- Distinct database or Schema.
- Distinct or same Table/View/Queries.
- Display all data or only differences.
- Schema Comparer
- Distinct database or Schema.
- Columns of Table/View.
- Constraints.
- Indexes.
Here are the features and issues planned for next release -
Next Release
Change Log
Here are the features and issues solved in previous releases -
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