A powerful SQL tool to transform or reverse complex queries (generated by OBIEE, Microstrategy, Cognos, Hyperion, Pentaho ...) into diagrams to ease visualization and analysis. A graphical query builder that permits to create complex SQL queries easily. The GUI with multi-connections supports virtually all JDBC drivers, including ODBC bridge, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, HSQLDB, H2, CsvJdbc, SQLite. And top of that, everything is open-source!
2019.01: Support for java 8,9,10 and 11.
2016.11: Unlimited edition is FREE for every body.
2016.11: Updated documentation.
We are constantly adding new features, fixing bugs. Please support us either by participating in the project development or by donating to the project. We are happy to help and support SQLeo users.
SQLeo Visual Query Builder is a desktop Java Swing Application (small < 2MB) which can run on any platform which has JRE 1.7+.